Investor Relations

Our Basic Policies

The Kawata Group has long been engaged in manufacture and sale of equipment and systems designed to streamline operations at plastic molding factories. Based on the principles of manufacturing-process labor savings and mitigation of environmental loads through reduction of loss in processed materials, and complying with the product development guidelines of our “Challenge CES (Cost-Energy-Space saving efforts),” we continue to present new technologies to the world by developing unique products with high functionality and usability, while also improving our profitability by empowering the agility and adaptability of our work-sites. In addition, by applying our prowess and expertise cultivated in the plastic molding field, we will develop and expand new sales areas, including batteries, food, and cosmetics, so that we can continue to grow as an entity highly adaptable to changing market conditions and increase our corporate and shareholder values, all of which constitute our basic policies.

Medium and Long Term Management Strategy, Tasks and Target Management Index

Medium and Long Term Management Strategy and Tasks

The plastic mold-processing industry, our main supplier, is in the middle of brilliant technology innovation and fierce quality and price competition both domestically and abroad. As for our core business, in this severe environment, we will improve our market share and earning power by strengthening cost, quality and delivery competitiveness in strong collaborationwith sales and service (in Japan, China, Southeast Asia and North and Central America) and manufacturing (in Japan China and Malaysia) divisions, responding to the global needs ofcustomers.​ ​



In addition, the Group considers that further strengthening of the management structure and improvement of transparency by strengthening corporate governance, thorough compliance, training and strengthening of human resources, etc. are priority management issues. For details on corporate governance, submit the “Corporate Governance Report” to the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc., and set the Company Policy / Management Philosophy on our website ( Basic Corporate Governance Policy, Unaffiliated Director Independence Standards, Group Activity Guidelines, Environmental Philosophy and Policy, Management Policy, Medium-Term Management Plan etc. are disclosed.