About us

Message from President Offering products and service that impress our customers, responding quickly to the demands of the market and society

Wataru Shiraishi

Kawata Manufacturing was established in 1935. At that time, we were mainly engaged in subcontracted component manufacturing, but in 1938, we released a rubber tube extrusion molding machine to the market as our first product. While we were involved in subcontracted processing of parts and repair work for products of other manufacturers, after the Second World War, we sensed that the era of plastics would arrive, embarked on the development and manufacture of plastic extrusion molding machines and labor-saving machines for current plastic molding factories, and aggressively promoted technical cooperation with American and European manufacturers to lay the foundation for our current lines of products. This incessant growth has been supported by the following unfaltering mindset that we have maintained since our establishment.

  • Think first about what customers want and provide products and service that can help them.
  • Regardless of experience or knowledge, endeavor to capitalize on promising opportunities.
  • Act quickly when confronted with challenges.
  • Maintain a basic management style that walks in tandem with employees.

At a time when the environment in the manufacturing industry is about to significantly change with the globalized economy and advancement of information society, we maintain deep respect and faith in the above mindset since our foundation and simultaneously make steady progress toward our goal. Furthermore, with plastic products becoming still diversified, new materials and new functional materials are being developed. While activities based on awareness of the global environment are needed, including recycling and improvement of product durability, applications for plastic products are still expected to expand on the global scale. At our customers’ manufacturing sites, more labor-saving initiatives are being required. With “Practice Comes First,” as our guiding principle, and based on our engineering prowess cultivated since our corporate foundation, we are making proposals to improve our customers’ production activities and provide products and services that satisfy our customers so that we can contribute to increasing the prosperity and safety of people around the world.